Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Bad Egg

I wanted eggs for dinner.  So I went to the fridge, pulled out the carton, and found more than enough eggs for a nice meal. 

But, egads!  I had no idea how old they were.  You see, sometimes to save space I'll consolidate old eggs and new eggs into the same carton.  I always forget which ones are which.  Should I risk it?  Dare I play the salmonella game?

I knew there must be an easier way than gastroenteritis to find out if the eggs were still good.

And it IS easy!  Simple as this:  when put into a glass of water, good eggs sink.  Bad eggs float.  (Old but still good eggs hang out somewhere in the middle....)

I guess that in this respect, egg testing is analogous to trial by ordeal for witch testing; the difference of course being that eggs make for a great frittata, while witches do not.

Bad egg!  Good egg :)
So now you know how to avoid Salmonella poisoning while simultaneously enjoying some egg-y goodness!

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