Sunday, June 12, 2011

Brown Sugar Bacon

Do you love bacon?


Do you own an oven?


Then you have no excuse NOT to try this recipe.  Two ingredients + 30 minutes = 1 tasty treat.


:: 1 package bacon, reduced fat bacon, turkey bacon, whatever
:: 1/2 cup brown sugar

Pre-heat your oven to 425 degrees.  Arrange bacon in slices on a cookie sheet (I line mine with foil for easy clean up) and sprinkle with brown sugar.  I like to use a cooling rack, like the one pictured below, so that I don't have to flip the bacon halfway through and so that the fat will drip off.  You know, since this is practically diet food.

Cook for about 20 minutes, or until it gets nicely brown and crispy.  

I made the mistake of putting 2 pans in at once, and the pan on the lower rack closest to the heat source started to smoke and burn.  Hopefully you can avoid this by using the top and middle racks, or by cooking it one pan at a time.

Happy eating!!

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